Guys, it's the end of 2017 and still people read Dia. Thanks!! Terima kasih!! Arigato!! Sun!!
Ramai yang tanya, ada yang kata Dia tu jujur gila penulisan dia. Well, act I already wrote in the end of the story tu tapi takpelah, I tulis balik,
Dia is based on true story. Based. Not written exactly the same plot of true story. Based which is means - the name, place, people, cars, cats of what ever I wrote in Dia has been changed for some purpose.
And kenapa jujur? Well, bukan ke kejujuran tu lebih berharga dari segalanya ecewahhh. Haha! No lah, act jujur sangat tu sekadar merujuk kepada and mengajar manusia untuk tidak judge di awal cerita.
Kenapa Dia? Kenapa bukan Aku, Kau, Kita dan Mereka?
Dia is refer to God. The Almighty. And the book cover is jalan lurus which is Muslim called Siratul Mustaqim.
So yeah, itulah sedikit sebanyak (I wrote this a lot before ) makna dan asbab penulisan Dia. Actually tahun 2015 dah habis and I never expected much for my poor writing.
Ada yang tanya mana Jangan Jadi Aku 2?
Dulu ada, tapi hilang dikerjakan entah siapa-siapa. Buku tu didelete, dibuang tanpa meninggalkan jejak dan wasiat. Later on, I realized, writing is not my forte anymore. I tried but I failed. Rasa takleh move on. Anyway, bacalah apa yang ada. It's okay.
Kalau rasa nak add FB, search Shahrin Ezzat (Abot The Hypebeast).
And don't follow your dreams, follow my IG @ shahrinezzat_
Anyway, 15 Oct aritu my birthday. Bagitau jeeerrr. Haha!
See ya!