this message may be offensive
There's cowardice and hypocrisy everywhere on Wattpad but... but I have better manners than taking somebody's username and influencing people not to read their works by attacking them personally. Criticizing the content of the books (which could be about MULTIPLE authors) is not the same as mentioning the authors directly and straightaway using insulting language, and if someone thinks that the former is better than the latter, Bhagavan save you... also the people who try to act very responsible and knowledgeable all the time but when the situation comes, try to hide and support bs, and use gross language to look cool are no better than those who promote such reprehensible concepts. Yes, support this bs and tomorrow again give a lecture on why so and so portrayal in so and so book is problematic. Also, the friends of that particular writer are free to unfollow me. You do not need to read the f**k on my message board, you are NOT welcome. :)