
Hey guys I am back for the millionth time. I will try my hardest to stick to it this time but as you can see my mental state is very off and on with stability 


Literally comments are the only thing that keeps me updating. So if you read my stuff leave a comment telling me what you like or don't like. It encourages me to write and get better.


@Shallow_hearted You are an awesome writer! I love your books! 


@Shallow_hearted  YOU ARE AMAZING!!! DON'T FORGET THAT!!!! LOVE YOU!!!


Welp, as soon as I get back into wattpad my life takes an immediate nose dive right back into a hell hole. 
          I haven't ever had an update schedule but they will be more infrequent now, well until I can get everything sorted and calmed down.
          I get over whelmed easily so it's no surprise I'm already mentally unstable again.
          Sorry for the inconvince to those very few who where excited about my updates.


@shy_kawaii_wolf  I am not taking a leave this time. Just not gonna update fast


Hey guys, I am just coming back from a near year long break, I just needed a mental health cleanse from most media, I am fresh from the hospital so I have tons of ideas I came up with since I had alot of free time. Some will be aus for some amazing animes and others will be my own ocs. I hope you enjoy them all, I am on bed rest for a while so I will update alot these few weeks. My dms are working so I will reply to everything I can from now on.
          Thank you all for your ongoing support and unconditional understanding. 


Hello fellow Wattpadder!
          We are hosting an exciting new awards book that is designed for all types of writers. We would greatly appreciate your participation! Currently we’re looking for participants and judges! If you’re interested in joining, please click the link below:

          If not, please ignore this message. Thank so much and I hope you have a marvelous day!


          ~Once you get this award,you are supposed to write this on on 8 people's message board who deserve it.If you break the chain,nothing will happen.Just know it's sweet to know someone thinks your beautiful inside out~