Not The Real One But This Account Is For The Book In Anime World and Human World Book #1 And #2 So Please Don't Think This Is The Real Her Cuz Its Not Ok So Please Don't Mistaken This Account For That This Account Is Just An Account For Our Character In Anime World (book#1) And Human World Book #2 and This Is Where I Will Write My Story So In A Way this Is A Fresh Start For Me Away From Drama YOU KNOWso dont think this is whatever but if you want an anime rp than follow animerpacc on instagram but i only do shaman king & mystical messenger roleplay for now but if dont do those than dont follow and dont rp with me if it's not enough or if it ain't worth your time at all also if you dont like the rp i do which is mostly non discriptive than dont bother also if all you are gonna say is you talk too much or you're  annoying and some other negative shit than back off and get out of here cuz i dont have time to deal with  your shit cuz i am busy dealing with other busy stuff so dont even say excuses cuz i dont want to hear it cuz im done with it especially with all the nonsense i dont need anymore negativity in my life and if hates and negativity is all you got than 
Fuck off of my life and dont come crying once i have a really great rp life never come back crying to me ok

Cuz Hiruma will Haunt And BlackMail Your Dream And Worstest Nightmare of Them All.
  • JoinedAugust 28, 2017


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