My dear Shane,
I hope you realize just what grand importance you have been in my life.I would likely have taken my own life had yyou not been there to listen to my problems. I honestly believe you were sent to be my personal guardian angel, and I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. I know your path has had many twists, turns, and burned bridges, but please know it shall lead you to greatness. The strongest are born from grand sadness, the worst from unappreciated happiness. You are the only one who ever believed me about everything, and I can never thank you enough for that. Shane, I love you and though I know we are just friends, I often wish we were more. Please do not lose faith, my friend. God gave me you for the ups and downs, God gave me you for the days of doubt, and just when I think I've lost my way, there are no words here left to say, it's true, God gave me you...... Believe in your dreams, okay? Never ever let yourself think you have non one to go to. I will be there, just tell me.
Love forever, always, and until the stars fade,