
Hello everybody. These are some of the poems I have wrote over the year. Old to me but never before seen to Wattpad. Enjoy 


My stories are extremely short for the amount of time I crafted into them. Please, take a brief 5 minutes to scavenger through my eccentric mind. People say Molly Rose, is a different short story than most. To me, it's just my first short story ever! Any feedback is welcomed. Thank you for your time. 


Thanks so much for the follow! :)


@StellaLexica You're welcome :) I hope as a writer to another writer, you're willing to read my short stories as much as I'm willing to read yours. Any feedback is welcome :) (I accept criticism more than compliments) I hope you stay along my journey as a writer, as I will yours 


Hello! Thanks for following me. I wish you the best of luck with your writing. :)
          Make today the best day of your life!
          -Laura Slate


@LauraSlate Hey! Thanks.  The only way I can receive the best of luck, is if I get the best of honest feedback :) I'm willing to read your stories, as much as you're willing to read my short stories. Thank you! 