
Thank you all for your support and helping this novel reach 14k views. Never imagined getting this far but here we are❤ We still have a ways to go with this story so stay tuned and chapter 21 has recently been released, if you haven't seen it already. Secrets are unfolding, so take a look...


Hey there!!
          I just want to let you know that I’m active again. I have updated Love in Georgia. This is a friendship chapter— Joseph will be back in a few more chapters. Hehe
          Have a great day!
          ~Amelia Wellis~ 


@Shania_226 awesome!!! Thank you so much!


@the_ravenclaw_writer Thanks for letting me know! I'm free this Friday, so I'll start reading and leave my comments then:)


@Shania_226 I just want to let you know that the first five chapters will be re-released today, then the next ones will be released in the following weeks as I work on them. :) 


Hey can u check out my story The Crimson Lies


@Shania_226 Thank u very much!! 


@Shania_226 thnx for replying tho


no worries, this was just a request you can just ignore it! moreover, my story is just not getting reads. though I'll try my best, but no need to burden your schedule for this...


Thank you all for your support and helping this novel reach 14k views. Never imagined getting this far but here we are❤ We still have a ways to go with this story so stay tuned and chapter 21 has recently been released, if you haven't seen it already. Secrets are unfolding, so take a look...


Hello everyone! Due to unexpected events in my life, I'll be releasing the new chapters in November. I'm sorry for those who've been reading and supporting my novel and encourage the short break, because it will be so worth it, I promise! Thank you all so much for your understanding and can't wait to read your comments and feedbacks soon;)


Of course! Please take your time. I’m taking a bit of a break from writing Love in Georgia to pursue another writing project I had done in the past but plan on sprucing up.
             I will also in the meantime be planning out the rest of LiG so I can finish writing it and have it published.


@Shania_226 oh, I see. Yeah. I’m still debating on distancing myself too. Part of me doesn’t want to upset any of my reader friends yet I also don’t want my books to stay here if they’re just going to be overshadowed by cliche romance novels or plain smut. However, I’d stay here and read the few books that are actually good, but I want to do a different account with that. My current account has this weird glitches (It’s saying I have one extra book in my reading list than I actually do)