
1).Keep those who care about you,with you.Those who don't,let them loose.Learn to cut your loses.
          	2).Appriciate what you have while it is still here because one day,everything you've ever known may be gone.Only then will you know its true value.
          	3).Don't be mad at the people who tell you that you cannot do something.It's because of those people that you are inspired to push through.They're negativity is your encouragement to prove them wrong.
          	4).Life goes by too fast for you to hide in the dark or be bitter.
          	5).Don't let love leave you empty handed.
          	6).Don't take things for granted.
          	7).Don't get discouraged that you can't do something that you want right away.Everything takes time,especially change.You can do it if you put your mindset to it.If you fail,try again-there's always a new beginning,tomorrow.
          	8).Two wrongs don't make a right.
          	9).Believe in your heart and your dreams at night.You can make the choice for those dreams to come true.Believe with all your heart to the breaking point even if you are the only standing,but know when it's time to quit.Maybe not forever,but for a moment until you are stronger.
          	11).Don't judge people by their appearences.
          	12).For trust to be gained,it must be earned,but once it's earned it will be worth it.Do not take advantage of their trust.
          	13).Everyone has a story and a breaking point.
          	14).Own up to your actions.It shows you're the better man.
          	15).Be an inspiration to others.
          	16).Smile because someone out there needs your smile.It never hurts to smile.
          	17).Take good care of the ones that care and love you
          	18).If you are not a hero to someone else,be a hero to yojreslf.
          	19).Be prepared to fail.It's ok.
          	20).Dare to be unique.Also,learn to llet others be themselves.
          	21).As much as it hurts,it's sometimes best to let others get hurt to learn.
          	22).Never loose your sense of wonder.You won'tlearn if you don't ask questions.It's okay that you don't everything,no one does.
          	23).Think before you do.
          	Here are some thaughts I had#Thaughtsat.


1).Keep those who care about you,with you.Those who don't,let them loose.Learn to cut your loses.
          2).Appriciate what you have while it is still here because one day,everything you've ever known may be gone.Only then will you know its true value.
          3).Don't be mad at the people who tell you that you cannot do something.It's because of those people that you are inspired to push through.They're negativity is your encouragement to prove them wrong.
          4).Life goes by too fast for you to hide in the dark or be bitter.
          5).Don't let love leave you empty handed.
          6).Don't take things for granted.
          7).Don't get discouraged that you can't do something that you want right away.Everything takes time,especially change.You can do it if you put your mindset to it.If you fail,try again-there's always a new beginning,tomorrow.
          8).Two wrongs don't make a right.
          9).Believe in your heart and your dreams at night.You can make the choice for those dreams to come true.Believe with all your heart to the breaking point even if you are the only standing,but know when it's time to quit.Maybe not forever,but for a moment until you are stronger.
          11).Don't judge people by their appearences.
          12).For trust to be gained,it must be earned,but once it's earned it will be worth it.Do not take advantage of their trust.
          13).Everyone has a story and a breaking point.
          14).Own up to your actions.It shows you're the better man.
          15).Be an inspiration to others.
          16).Smile because someone out there needs your smile.It never hurts to smile.
          17).Take good care of the ones that care and love you
          18).If you are not a hero to someone else,be a hero to yojreslf.
          19).Be prepared to fail.It's ok.
          20).Dare to be unique.Also,learn to llet others be themselves.
          21).As much as it hurts,it's sometimes best to let others get hurt to learn.
          22).Never loose your sense of wonder.You won'tlearn if you don't ask questions.It's okay that you don't everything,no one does.
          23).Think before you do.
          Here are some thaughts I had#Thaughtsat.


You want a piece of my heart,come on let's go.This is how I think some people felt lately,but not me.Everyone needs to take a chill pill and stop and think about their actions.Many of you don't realize that what you say or do,does effect some of us without realizing it.Come on,it's towards the end of the year,please try and make it good while we're all still here.If you won't do this for your friends,do it for yourself.If you won't do it for yourself,please think about me and the rest of us out there.I wish you all a good day.


A women is strong,not neccesarily physically but mentally and at heart
          We say what we want and when we want
          We can get carried away
          A women fights to be heard
          women can be solitary,strong breded leaders
          A women may feel insecure,but she's still beautiful
          A women thinks and thinks and thinks,until she can't process anymore
          A women is a hard worker
          She tries to prove others wrong
          A women is like a book;you have to read betwwen the fine print to know what she feels
          A women is a pen and paper
          we may have glass hearts,but when we're broken-we stand strong and proud
          We think about what others say and still don't understand
          A women knows what she wants
          A women is capable of being on her own
          Many women seek compassion and a companion forthe longing days ahead
          We remember things that can be easily be forgotten
          Women are beautiful,daring,and unique in everyway
          Women are fighters
          women are proud to hold their heads high
          Women have faults,just like you or anyone else
          Women are the reflection of a little girl
          Women and girls go hand-in-hand;we don't have to be girly,we can be anyway  we want to be.There are no peramiters for us.
          We can be tom boys,but we're still a woman
          There are alot of things that define a women
          I am proud to be one!


A man is someone who is strong
          A man is who brings outthe woman in me
          A man  is someone who isn't afraid to show he cares
          A man is someone who tries a battle
          A man is someone who knows he's wrong,and is willing to say it
          A man is a hero in some womens eyes
          A man can be a mother too
          A man fights the war inside
          A man fights the war for me and you when we start to fall;he ensures we make it through because we never give up
          A man realizes his stuggles and accepts them
          A man realizes his own doubts and acknoledges them;he acknoledges that he's not perfect-no one's perfect
          A man is a companion,he's a friend
          A man has his urges,we all do
          A man is different than you and I
          A man can be anybody
          A man doesn't descriminate;a mancan be a learning boy,or an old man
          A man is just a man
          You are the one who decides who is a man,etc.


My mother is the holder of the key to my heart
          Every turn wetake in this thing called "life" is a step closer to me
          My mother is inspiring
          My mother is a warrior,when she falls in the battle known as life,she gets back up and says to me,"Never give up,Darling.We'll see the day when you make it through."
          My heart pours out a poem;before I can finish,she knows the words
          My mom is a star in the night
          She's been through alot,but still stays positive.Her faith that everything's going to be better is amazing
          when I'm down,she'll turn me around
          When I'm in the dark and Ican't see the light,she's always there to help guide me
          When I'm sad,her voice is an uplifting tune
          She's my world
          She is my all
          There is no other mother just like her,for she is the one for me
          I never want to see a day I am left without her
          For if I am,then my world would begin to crumble
          She's the women in me;the women I want to be
          I look up to her and she never lets me down
          She teaches me lessons
          She tells me to ask questions or I will never know the anser
          She ensures me it's alright that I don't know all the answers
          She tells me everything happens for a reason,but we'll all be alright
          She tells me never to loose my sense of wonder,my sense of innocence
          Most importantly she embraces me to be myself
          There's nothing more that I like to do than to be left alone and for youto let me be myself
          For once,let me shine this is my life.Let me be me.
          She's a wonder
          I begin to wonder what it would be like when we part paths
          She tells me I'll always be her baby
          Forthat,mom,I love you!I never want to loose you.


This poem isn't my best,but it shows my how I feel all the way through.If you guys respond to my posts,you might get a poem too.


I may not have always been able to show I cared,but I always put my heart into everything and almost always to the point where I couldn't give anymore.Do you think I did a good job showing that I cared?My viewpoints changed for each and every one of you throughout the year.What do you consider a friend?I just want you all to know as annoying,as goofy,as hard-headed as you are,I will miss you all when we leave.Even when we part our ways,I wish no harm come to you and I will remember the memories we shared.Some points in the year were a bit rusty,but cheers to a good year!I love you all!


Do you think life is like a war?Why?
          Do you think it's easier to show that you care or say it?
          What is your favorite lesson or saying you've been taught all of your life?
          The things that mean the most to you?
          What does love mean to you?
          Do you believe in luck?Why or why not?
          What do you think someone's eyes say aboutthem?
          I would like at least 5 people to respond.If you have the guts to say how you feel to me without me caring,prove it by answering these questions.I would love to hear your thaughts because it shows me more about you.Good day!


Please reply.What do you seriously think of me.Think deeply.I don't want some crap justthrown together because I think about you guys everyday and what it would be like without you all.I think deeply about you guys and I care,eventhough sometimes it is hard to show;so I don't think it woukd be fair if you cheaped out on my answer.I know I asked this before,but people can change their opinions and manypeople didn't think as deeplly as I thaught.If you know me,you should get used tothe fact that I liketo think and write alot about a subject.If I don't get on in a while to see this,I hope you all have a wonderfull day.