Hey everyone, wanted to make a quick apology post to those who read Kirby Run on Wattpad, for those who were here before I rewrote a portion of the story, you’ll know that I made the fic unavailable for awhile. I did this so people wouldn’t read the old version, as I wasn’t really comfortable with people reading it, especially since it was going to be changed. I at first made only the chapters I was going to rewrite unavailable, but even though I had notified people some were still upset they couldn’t read the whole thing, which is fair.
Seeing this, and realizing newcomers wouldn’t like that there are chapters missing, I decided to hide the entire work until I finished rewriting what I needed to. It took awhile, and I genuinely do apologize for that, plus the fact that the story was unavailable for so long. Rest assured this won’t happen again, and I appreciate those who were willing to wait, despite how long it took me. And now that the fic is public again I hope you all enjoy it.
One more thing before I go, Kirby Run is now available on AO3!
Be sure to check it out there too if you want!
My apologies once again, and thank you for reading. <3