
I leave for a day and wattpad changes......


I just updated MHN if anyone is interested please go check it out. I'm sorry it took me so long my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend now- had kept me busy. I'll try to get these out to you guys more frequently, but apparently I'm longer capable of keeping promise to myself or anyone else for the matter. Again I'm sorry.


Life goals: shutting off the light with your last stuffed animal when you're on the top bunk


@Diah62102 I wish.... mine are too young and quite frankly not that kind lol


@Shannon_andersen XD i just have my sister turn it of cause my stuffed animals never are heavy enough


So i was catfished..................


G U E S S     W H A T      B I T C H A C H A S!!!!!!!!
          The last chapter was edited in My Happy Nightmare. Which means I will start the next chapter R I G H T   N O W! 
          It should be up tomorrow. But, two things need to happen:
          1.more views on my trailer (details in the book)
 needs to be edited
          So keep a sharp eye out and watch the video.