
Can't understand why so few people are reading your story.  It's really well written; dramatic  plot, full of unexpected twists and turns;   a cast of supporting  characters who give the story realism;  authentic dialogue that rings true;   Sara  is such a sympathetic character you can believe in her gifts;   and as for Daggar - my kind of hero, flawed yet with a good heart.  And three cheers for Einstein who saved the day - give him a brazil nut from me☺


@knoni2006  Wow!  And you certainly commented on every chapter. If I ever get organized I may add the short story which started the Dagger series.  It is in a short story collection on Amazon but I may post it here. Dagger was never supposed to be a series but the characters wouldn't shut up.


@knoni2006   Thanks...maybe because I'm a little lax in promoting it. I'm working on book #17 and barely have time for Facebook plus a hubby I have to shuttle back and forth to the doctor's. No excuse but if I had the money I'd probably hire a publicist!