
Hi :)
          Just a little message to thank you for adding my story BEYOND to one of your reading lists! I hope you'll like it as much as I love writing it. ❤
          Feel free to tell me what you think of my story and follow me if you want.
          Happy reading!


Hey Sweetie, @SharedaJenkins
          Thank you so much for supporting my book. It truly means so much to me. I know you have a plethora of book to choose from and I'm thankful you've chosen to read mine anyway. I hope you continue to  enjoy my books. Trust me, your support doesn't go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. 
          Thank you.
          -Mercedes ❤


Yo Shareda, thank you for adding Fixing Noah to your list. I hope you check out my other book The Tour as well. Lots of things in there to like. A music student who hooks up with a Rapper/Rockstar.  Thank you for your support even doing something like adding the book to your list helps so much! :)