
Awwwwwwwwwww,wooooooooo I have ppl that have read what I wrote,i'm,i'm. Speechless,thank you guys,thank you.  I literally can't think beyond someone read my stuff, and thanking God .  It's. An unbelievable,indescribable feeling.  I'm humbled.


Awwwwwwwwwww,wooooooooo I have ppl that have read what I wrote,i'm,i'm. Speechless,thank you guys,thank you.  I literally can't think beyond someone read my stuff, and thanking God .  It's. An unbelievable,indescribable feeling.  I'm humbled.


@ShariWalker I think I might have a good book name for the Runt sequel, you inspired it! Underdog. And it could be about Marie, great idea! I'm going to listen to other ideas but Underdog is pretty cool. Probs be in the top ten. It will be a while to create but I do have a lot going on. love shy girl BTW