
mhm college


Hey! Are you active here? I rarely ever use this site but do you remember Greyspot from Animal Jam? Summerstorm and I are looking for you! We want to say hi so please respond soon and I will tell you more! Disregard my dumb user LOL I go by rainwish52 on most sites now haha


Oh my gosh-wow, I honestly didn't expect a response! My instagram is rainca11 and my discord is yesterday#5515 if you'd like to chat soon! I am much more active on discord at the moment so that's my preferred choice but Summer's more active on insta so I'll check insta tomorrow to see if you followed me :)


            Hey! Sorry for not responding sooner. I am no longer active here, and actually just redownloaded the app after chatting with some friends about our memories here.
            I do have a discord and instagram that I'm active on though, if you want those contacts! Wow, it's been such a long time. 


Yuppity yup. I have to have surgery on my back. I guess that they're going to fuse the bones on my spine and implant some metal rods to straighten it. I won't be able to go to school for practically the entire month of December, because I need to rest and stay home for two to four weeks and I have a two-week long Christmas break.
          I'm low key terrified.