
Cb for something pls! 


―︎     sorry if this is not the best , , i ' m kinda tried rn .
          " hey man you uh , , dropped this . "bart picked something up from the ground , , " i ' m just going to — " he put it into the other ' s pocket . " uh — there . "


bart glared at vincent for a little bit , , but then it faded away . " bart simpson . " the boy stated , , putting his hands into his pant pockets .


            Vincent grabbed him by throat before he could finish the sentence, eyeing him carefully.
            "Seriously? You seem more like the pocket thief type to me. Im usually careful about my stuff"
            He arched an eyebrow, letting the hand off him once he returned the thing.
            "Turns out i was wrong. Let me buy you a lemonade as an apology. The name's Vincent" 


            Vincent sucked at lying and he knew that, sighing miserably.
            "I see my lying ability hasnt changed over the centuries. Listen to me, now you're going to go down this street. There's an injured person who needs help, allright?"
            His pupils dilated as he used his compelling skills to rid of Damien. The closer he got, the more weirded out he felt. He didnt feel any blood scent? Who was this person?


          jasper  took  a  small  bite
          out  of  his  cupcake  ,  
          blue  hues  staring  at  the
          other  with  a  curious  gleam
          in  his  eyes  .
          being  too  awkward  to  actually 
          talk  ,  obviously  the  best  course
          of  action  was  to  stare  silently 
          while  eating  a  baked  treat  . 
            \    i   hope
          this  is  alright   ,,   


            Vincent lifted gaze from the food after the sound, smiling softly, leaning subtly closer.
            "My name's Vincent. Not Van Gogh, please"
            He joked, leaning into seat, gripping his chin gently, turning it in cold fingers.
            "You have very unusual bone structure. Tell me, how does it feel when you kiss somebody"
            His eyes dived into the other, turning black. 


jasper choked a little  , looking  away
            for  a  moment  as  he  wiped  his  mouth  .
            “  oh  —  jeez  —  uh  ,,  hi .. !  ”  he  waved  a  
            little  ,  an  awkward  smile  on his
            face  as  he  spoke  .
            “  uh  —  yeah  ,,  sure  !  you  can
            join  me  ..  i  don’t  really  mind  ..
            i’m  jasper  ,  by  the  way  —  ”


            Vincent was glancing around for his next prey, when his eyes met Jasper's and he knew it was gonna be far too easy, making his way over, putting on the innocent smile.
            "Hello, Im Vincent. I' ve been waiting for my friends but they never came. Can i join you? I could use some company, unless Im annoying you- i could just go"
            He dropped gaze to the cupcake, biting on his lip, averting gaze from the boy's arteries. Would he kill all the bar? It was a tempting idea, but he'd miss the place after burning it down with corpses. 


“Vincent. Do you ever think about what would have happened if we didn’t meet at the cemetery, or if I didn’t give you blood? Do you think we’d be in love?”


            Vincent analyzed his reaction, furrowing an eyebrow in confusion. Allright, this wasnt the 'finally you got it' look, making him question what was this about and once it was explained, his gaze softened a bit and he took another sip of the bottle subconsciously.
            "Are you enjoying life? Let me show you something,because I know life's gonna treat you so good with everything you have. I invited Sinclair's over for a dinner. Get ready. They'll arrive in an hour or so."
            He patiently waited for the other's reaction as he began to walk to his wardrobe and lay out an old victorian outfit down on the bed.
            " Im gonna wear this. Wanna join my theme? "


Satin had himself draped across a chair as he lazily drank from a cup of wine with a straw in it. Really he was really funny sometimes and now was one of those times. At his boyfriend’s reaction, his eyebrow raised before listening to him speak and then gasping,”day what? Do you think I wanna break up with you? No! I was just thinking I’d be so much more miserable if we’d never met. And you’re also hot soooooo now we’re hot and enjoying life together.”


            The vampire slightly freezed. He didnt like the sound of the question. Was he doing something wrong? Did these questions became usual in this century? It's been basically the 'we have to talk, in what if version' and his old self was very sure he didnt wanna go slow into this.
            "First of all, I need a drink. Excuse me."
            He disappeared, returning with whiskey bottle in hand.
            "Before you continue this, No, the thought didnt cross my mind, but without the chit chat, I'd be definitely observing you because you're unique, but just like i said before, i wouldnt hurt you. I could, but you smell like Theo and that's basically why i cant."
            He took a long sip out of the bottle and then another.
            " Let's make it fast please. I can feel everything that's wrong and Im old enough to figure out what you're trying to tell me. You're hot and you gotta enjoy life.. - say it"
            He stepped closer, his eyes turning threatening dark


that  blood  on  your  clothes  kinda  indicates  something  freaky  .  i’m  betting  its  not  your  own  blood  ?


kai  bit  down  on  his  bottom  lip  ,  kneeling  down  in  front  of  him  as  he  raised  an  eyebrow  and  tilted  his  head   “more  of  a  siphoner  but  yeah  ,  same  thing”  he  stated  ,  his  eyes  looking  into  the  vampires  .  he  studied  him  for  a  few  moments  ,  listening  . “awe  ,  do  you  want  an  award  for  that  /vincent/  ?  i  mess  with  who  i  want  ,  if  i  really  wanted  to  kïll  you  ,  i  would’ve  by  now”  he  whispered.m. ,  his  hand  moving  to  his  cheek  ,  pressing  the  cold  rings  against  it  as  he  opened  his  mouth  slightly  ,  siphoning  more  of  the  magic  from  him  .  “there  it  is”  he  murmured  ,   grinning widely  . 


            Vincent growled bit at the warning and stopped, while feeling sharp pain in his sides that made him drop to his knees, furrowing his eyebrow.
            "I knew it wasnt gonna be so easy. A witch. My pleasure. I almost forgot to introduce myself. Vincent Morph. You dont look like you payed lot of attention in history classes, but either way, i wasnt an important figure in the rebellion against Napoleon. You mess with the wrong kind, child."


flinching  as  he  felt  the  sharp  fangs  dig  into  his  neck  ,  he  groaned  lightly  before  his  ringed   fingers  made  its  way  to  the  boys  sides  and  dug   his  fingers  into  them  .  he  didn’t  move  before  feeling  a  bit  light  headed  “alright  i  think  you  should  stop  now  ,  pretty  boy” he  stated  ,  his  hands  started  glowing  red  ,  siphoning  some  magic  from  the  boy  as  he  left  a  burning  feeling  along  his  sides  .  the  energy  made  him  feel  better  to  at  least  push  him  back  .   


"I.....I'm sorry I didn't mean to be in your way."


            "Oh..okay." she said with a small smile. "Then I have nothing to worry about."


            "Dont worry about it. Im in no rush at the moment."