
DON CARE! Still upset lately... You know, we should continue this conversation on skype, not Wattpad where the whole world can see


Hi. I just followed you. : 3


I got a Ticci Toby skin


Cool. Do u like creepypastas?


It seemed more like your way of making people feel bad, because it sure made me feel bad. It made me think, "Does my best friend really think that I'm trying to be better than her?" And then, you go on and make sure that you get more votes and comments and followers than me. I don't even have control over that, so why would you get angry at me for it? Followers was the only thing that I was beating you in, and you had to go and take that away from me too. And then you go and say that I'm starting to treat you like the bad guy.


No, counting how many more followers you have than me isn't being full of yourself. That's just reminding me that people don't like me as much as they like you. And, you kinda did when you said I thought we were in this together, because we were and we still are. Just because I had more followers than you at that moment, didn't mean that I was ditching you from Wattpad.