
Hey guys leaving wattpad I have another account if you really want to find me byee


Hey guys.... Please read all of this... I guess when I started making books I was really bad at it. Then I made some great friend who liked my books. But because I haven't been on here or talk with... Any one I became shy again so I might have to stop my Wattpad I'm sorry....
          Shato protect you and us all to the end


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Guys I'm stoping all my books for good and you have to of my old shit fiends that don't give a fuck about me and here are there names to ShanonTheOtherOne and the other one is Camokitty333


Hi guys I have ben having a lot of emotional brake downs lately so I just want you to know if I start saying I'm nothing, they hate me, I'm worthless, or start thinking about killing my self that's why
          Shato protect you