Hey it’s been awhile lol, hope you’re doing okay
Oh before you stop chatting do you have a Nintendo switch by any chance? I could send you my friend code!
Reading Lists
Why!? WHY DO I DRIVE EVERYONE AWAY!? ITS MY FUCKING FAULT!! I can't do anything right... My own love won't even tell me how he feels and it's all my fault....it's all my fault...why can't I just keep him happy like I wanna do...? Why do I always make him sad...? Why....why can't I make it clear that I love him...? I'm a failure..
Hey it’s been awhile lol, hope you’re doing okay
Oh before you stop chatting do you have a Nintendo switch by any chance? I could send you my friend code!
ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ʜᴇɴᴛᴀɪ ᴛᴇɴᴛᴀᴄʟᴇ #2
Hmm, wanna be friends other me?
@_King_Dream_ please just call me shattered, also I don't really have a personal favorite but when it comes to genre, normally something like dark romance or a good mystery book
Why!? WHY DO I DRIVE EVERYONE AWAY!? ITS MY FUCKING FAULT!! I can't do anything right... My own love won't even tell me how he feels and it's all my fault....it's all my fault...why can't I just keep him happy like I wanna do...? Why do I always make him sad...? Why....why can't I make it clear that I love him...? I'm a failure..
Hi ! This is Deni on my friend's phone . In about an hour , you will be able to find me at perchance.org/wattpadkids ! Hello parent :D miss you -
Miss you mom T-T
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRcArpVe/ For all you sad people who need a good song to cry to just like I do. This is a TikTok link so if any of you who wanna see the video, just ask me about it and I'll send you a YouTube link of the song or I'll post the lyrics on here
@ShatteredDream63 https://www.google.com/search?q=Shattered+Sans+funny+cute&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwie3tCjk43-AhWUOUQIHd4ZCScQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=Shattered+Sans+funny+cute&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIFCAAQogRQ0wlY5hNgwhRoAHAAeACAAacGiAGvCJIBBzAuMi42LTGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=EnsqZJ6NM5TzkPIP3rOkuAI&bih=726&biw=384&client=ms-android-verizon&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=7FYKf3HvtM8iCM&lnspr=W10=
@ShatteredDream63 (◍•ᴗ•◍) {Gaster is determined to make you smile even if he won't be able to see it}
AHEM- Ay SHattERed, beeN a HOT mINute!
@TheHands0me_Killer it's a kind offer, really, but I'm not all to excited for anything big for my birthday
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