*Camera static* Transmission Entry One
Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't been updating my stories like I promised. A lot of things have been going on and I have only been able to sleep for (it's an estimated guess) 3 hours of sleep every night. Sometimes I don't sleep for a week straight. I looked up what it could mean and a found out it's one of the many symptoms of depression. My doctor even diagnosed me with depression since I have all but one symptom. Again, I'm sorry that I can't update often, but please know that I am trying my best to wright as much as I can. I want to thank Hannah, Kaylyn(I hope I spelled your name right), and Starburst_Minicon the most. Thank you for your guys support, I truly appreciate it. I hope to all of you who are reading this that you and your families are doing well in this tragic time. And remember, we are stronger together when we are apart.
End Transmission