
          	I am back, people! And with a brand new chapter! Wohoo! And it's all thanks to you guys for so many reads and votes. They all gave me so much encouragement, but most of all, thank you to so many of you who reached out with well wishes and prayers. I appreciate you all so much. And to thank you, a sugary sweet chapter will be uploaded soon so keep an eye out for it, guys. Do read it and lemme know all your thoughts, I'll be waiting for them, and you as well, my dear silent readers.
          	Lots of love, XOXO


You're too sweet, Kaushiki. And you were not wrong, it had been too long since I'd updated. It was about time that I at least started trying to get back to writing. 
          	  And I'm so happy you like it, you've bssn there since day 1 and I appreciate your love for my book ❤️❤️


@ShatteredInnocenz thank you thank you so much.cannot express how eagerly I was waiting for this chapter.


          I am back, people! And with a brand new chapter! Wohoo! And it's all thanks to you guys for so many reads and votes. They all gave me so much encouragement, but most of all, thank you to so many of you who reached out with well wishes and prayers. I appreciate you all so much. And to thank you, a sugary sweet chapter will be uploaded soon so keep an eye out for it, guys. Do read it and lemme know all your thoughts, I'll be waiting for them, and you as well, my dear silent readers.
          Lots of love, XOXO


You're too sweet, Kaushiki. And you were not wrong, it had been too long since I'd updated. It was about time that I at least started trying to get back to writing. 
            And I'm so happy you like it, you've bssn there since day 1 and I appreciate your love for my book ❤️❤️


@ShatteredInnocenz thank you thank you so much.cannot express how eagerly I was waiting for this chapter.


Author plz don't mind,just wanted to know when will you update the next chapter.


@KaushikiRoy5 Hmm tonight is a bit difficult... How about this, give me till tomorrow night. As in tomorrow around this time. After office, I'll finish writing, proof read and update, sound good? 
            And thank you so much for looking forward to my updates, Kaushiki. Lots of love from me. ❤️❤️


@KaushikiRoy5 if possible plz update one chapter tonight.


How are you author??


@ShatteredInnocenz I am absolutely fine.thank you for the announcement.will eagerly wait for the update 


@KaushikiRoy5 Hey, Kaushiki. I'm feeling better, how are you? 
            And dw, I am pleased to announce that I wrote 2000 words last night! So hopefully, soon I'll be able to finish the chapter.
            Thanks for checking up on me, sweety. I appreciate it❤️❤️


When will you update the next chapter??


@KaushikiRoy5 I appreciate that so much Kaushiki...


@ShatteredInnocenz it's ok dear.dont pressurize yourself.take your time.i will eagerly wait for the next chapter ❤️❤️


@KaushikiRoy5 I promise I'm trying to write but a tired brain barely comes up with anything I like. I have the outlines **a very cute one too**, I just want to write it beautifully


Hey, everyone, 
          I'm sorry, but this is all taking longer than expected. I have all the plot for the next two chapters written down, but my actual writing is just not up to par. I wrote down one paragraph, and I felt so embarrassed of my own writing. It was that bad. 
          I'm sorry, but I want the next chapter to fit in with the rest. So I'll take my time finishing it. I hope you guys look forward to it and show it your love ❤️❤️


@ShatteredInnocenz will be eagerly waiting for your update 


Hey guys, it's me. 
          Firstly, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm so happy with the response to my first book, it's means a lot. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️
          Secondly, my exams are still ongoing, along with internship applications, so the next update will be delayed as well. I still haven't gotten a summer internship, and I'm so worried that I won't... for those who can, please pray for me. It would mean a lot ❤️❤️
          Till next time, lots of love. 