
I've just posted Chapter 7, please read, any feedback appreciated ;)


@ShatteredRainbows If you would like more readers, go to the community button and click on club. There is the share your story club, just create a thread, advertising what your story is about as well as a picture of the cover book. I find you get more reads and comments if you make certain "deals" as in , "If you read and comment on one chapter, I will also do the same", or "If you read 3 chapters", and so on.  If you need any more help , don't hesitate to ask! I really did enjoy your story. I will recommend you to my fans :)


Please help!....I am new to Wattpad and this is my third evening trying to 'Share my Story' unsuccessfully! My eyelids are closing and if I yawn any wider I'm fearful my face will split in two!!!...I'm following instructions but I must being something wrong :(