
watch scott pilgrim vs the world. now. this is not a suggestion this is an order.


this message may be offensive
So uhm- I’m transmasc. Surprise.
          Also I’m probably not going to really use this account anymore except for uncommon commenting on shitty fics since I moved to ao3 but yeah. I grew up. Discovered shit about myself and now I want to kiss fictional men. Have a great night folks.


So I wasn’t exactly sure how and where to write this, but I really wanted to tell this to a bunch of strangers on the Internet, because that’s what people do apparently, so I did it on Wattpad, for some reason.
          So the thing is, I’m a lesbian, you should probably know that by now because I wrote it in my bio. I’ve already told my family and most of my friends, they’re all supportive, but I’ve been thinking recently, I think I might be Asexual, I haven’t told anyone yet because I feel like I might be too young to be able to tell and maybe it’s just because I’m a kid (I’m like thirteen relax, though most of the adults that I talk to say I’m pretty mature for my age) but I was able to tell I was a lesbian when I was like eleven. 
          But yeah, I honestly just wanted to get this off my chest, hope whoever reads this has a good day


this aged horribly (I think I’m still on the ace spectrum though)
            also I was like twelve when I wrote this bro


Hey yall should I make a Wings of Fire book? Like not an adopt book or a roleplaying book but an actual story. It'll take up a lot of my time, it'll probably take me a week to put out the first chapter or even figure out the plot and characters and I'll definitely procrastinate but I have so many character ideas and story ideas. So I want to know what my eight followers think, congrats my fate is in your hands, you have the power to destroy my life! Or should I just stick to procrastinate on my Wof adopt book?


            Making a book would be cool! I suggest you try new things and go for it!


why did this post two times


News flash I'm bored as hecc


@ShatteredTopaz so are you a winterwatcher or moonbli fan


I've actually read all of them so far lol I love them so much, also thanks.