
Posted a chapter for BAB! 


@Shattered_Dreams u knw blood is not bitter!!! Just saying, if u want ur book to name it!!! It's ur call what u want to name ur book


You are an amazing writer. I fell in love with your writing years ago, and still come back to your stories even after I’ve grown out of my fan fiction phase, that’s how good they are. If I have to wait forever for that Kakashi story to be finish, I will because I love it THAT much. I hope you update it soon, and I hope you are doing alright.


Hi, I just wanted to briefly say that I absolutely loved the unedited version of deep as water and appreciate the fact that you’re editing it, though it’s been awhile since your last update so it’s safe to assume you aren’t doing that anymore. I suppose I just want to say that whenever you come back I really hope that you can either update or republish the old drafts of the story.


It's a bit sad to see you haven't updated Deep As Water and I guess you probably won't continue to edit it. Anyhow, you are an amazing writer  (Deep As Water will always be one of my faves!) and I really hope you are doing well in college. I wish you the best of things and a great future