
I have decided to upload some of my stuff on Quotev... You can now find me with the same username there! I uploaded the first chapters from Conscious Search and the other non-undertale stories might follow...
          	And I'm sorry for losing my interest in Undertale, dear followers, I won't be able to finish the started stories, I'm afraid... And yet I left them uploaded for you...
          	I hope you can understand and I'm sorry :'D


Another edit: I think my username in Quotev doesn't actually have the _ and is simply ShatteredNightmare, haha
          	  (i am going mad, I know)


edit: I have now uploaded the entire book so far and will be continuing with the short stories and other book idea I had...


I have decided to upload some of my stuff on Quotev... You can now find me with the same username there! I uploaded the first chapters from Conscious Search and the other non-undertale stories might follow...
          And I'm sorry for losing my interest in Undertale, dear followers, I won't be able to finish the started stories, I'm afraid... And yet I left them uploaded for you...
          I hope you can understand and I'm sorry :'D


Another edit: I think my username in Quotev doesn't actually have the _ and is simply ShatteredNightmare, haha
            (i am going mad, I know)


edit: I have now uploaded the entire book so far and will be continuing with the short stories and other book idea I had...


Hoiiii Guys-
          There's this trend hoing on with the Soldier, Poet, King - Quiz...
          Amyway, i checked it out and i got king. 
          Im not sure how to feel about that, but I knew I wouldn't get the soldier.
          Imma need to make an artwork, because its always about the artwork.
          But yeah, check it out, the test is pretty cool! 
          Another thing: Im working on a story, basically just retelling it, the story of Krabat by ASP. You can check it out, it's an album about... well, Krabat. 
          See ya around-


Hoi Guys, 
          Im kinda having this issue with a game I like to play, you basically get to dres up and chat with people...
          So I wanted to create a black character, to maybe rp with or smth, but Im not black irl... Now I usually make white characters, so I wanted to make a lul different, because Im not racist... But is it racist to dress up in a colour you're not?
          I have no idea who to ask and its keeping me awake at night-
          But have a great day/night either way-
          Baiii and plz give me answers, this dilemma is making me go insane, I dont want to be perceived as crazy by my parents :')


Thank you
            I didnt have time to look lately
            But that makes me feel better


@ Shattered_Nightmare  in my opinion its not racist. Its just like u making an oc, why should that be racist? People can create characters how they like despite their colour or gender or whatever. I see nothing wrong with it. E.g. In games some man create female characters or female players create a male character or light skin colored people make dark skin colored characters and vice versa, etc. What we create isnt neccessarily about who we are but just creating freely and giving it life, all u have to do is have fun with it. I hope this can take some worries away as it really has nothing to do with racism. Wish u great time. :3


Ive been feeling motivated lately, maybe Ill finish my story with a few smaller chapters to be done with it.
          With my Vampireverse story, i dunno.
          I have some sketches for a dreamswap story, which had a pretty good plot, but after i might be finished with undertale... I just basically burned out on that fandom...


Currently not even that rn


@Shattered_Nightmare same but it's nice to read them when other authors make them


Btw, I have realised my Wattpad doesn't notify me anymore... I dont know when im gonna answer a post, taht hurts
          I also have fandom problems, but you probably found that out already... Uhhh
          So now I don't know what to do with my Undertale stories because I have no motivation or ideas to conrinue... I feel burned out with the Undertale topic...
          But is that gonna matter? The readers started to lessen with each chapter, either Im doing something wrong or it just takes too long to update, probably both is true. Does anyone have an idea on what to do? Or is it like, bad Im feeling this way? Theres just so many different stories with basically the same topic. I mean, I could just reveal all the ideas I had for my story, because I will probably never finsih it... Ive planned out the ending. I can basically just tell anyone who wants to know, maybe you guys can finsish my story?
          Ill leave that up to you. I dont know when answers come in, so be patient on when Im replying..
          But thats all for today folks, probably, have a goodnifhts rest, because currently its 11 in the night with me and I shouldn't be awake rn, lol


But as I've been starting to get interested in DnD...
          Are you able to start a campaign AS a lich? Or do you need to play until you can turn yourself into one?
          I had this cool idea for my character, if that is possible. Theres a necromancer, who is a lich. The party members don't know that though, as he's hiding either using masks, or something, or plain shapeshifting/illusion spell or something. The character, Nathaniel Hawthorne (this is what my phone responded after writing Nathaniel, lol) has this huge mistery about himself. So the party members may find hid Phelactor sonehow or they meet someone from his past. A huge factor playing in ny idea is the Album from ASP: Zaubererbruder der Krabat-Liederzyklus. This story is composed in different songs, making an album. The story is like, a guy teaching 12 people about dark magic. The guy teaching is the master. The master is an evil man and each year, one of the twelve gets replaced, basically I think? So each year one has to go by digging his grave. That goes until a stranger comes and kills the master. What has this to do with my story? The character, Nathaniel was a part of this thing. He was saved with 11 others by this stranger. One of the twelfe is Krabat. They were all transformed into animals that like, represent their soil or something. Atleast after a while, because all of them started out as ravens... So maybe they meet Krabat, who is still a raven-hybrid ig, that knows Nathaniel under a different name, his real name, Soles. 
          So theres like this huge discussion about him hiding his past and being ashamed of turning into a lich. Nathaniel is basically also being hunted under his real name, leading him to a new name and identity. Yeah, black magic is forbidden.


Ok, I might need answers for this...
          So, Im probably never gonna play DnD or be a Dungeon Master on that matter, but I had this crazy idea, which I dont think is gonna be possible without telling the players about it... would it?
          Imagine: A game with 7 players and a dungeon master... Each of those players, the characters, represent a deadly sin (i remember another name for them, what was it?). Basically, the characters dont have memory of what they did in their past, or which of those sins they committed or how. So they walk around, slaying monsters and each time they go through a dungeon, more and more of hints, past memories, etc. is revealed. The last thing that would be is, that they realise, none of them are actually humans and they've been the actual bad guys the whole time, slaying humans and soldiers. Their visions just blurred, corrupted because of the missing memories.
          You probably aren't able to do that without the knowledge of the players, right?
          I need to know-
          Does anyone have any idea about that???
          (This just sounds so freaking interesting! Imagine if that was a thing and the look on the players faces XD)


            But I still dont know if that's allowed


@Shattered_Nightmare oh damn, this is a good idea. I never really played DnD before but I would probably be pale face shocked at that point.


@Shattered_Nightmare yes. Please. This sounds amazing. I promote myself be the player who plays the character of Greeda


Ok, guys, listen, I habe another story plot... Uhmm, yeah, not sure if that will get out at all, but still
          But for that story, I need to know something. Do you know the games kids play? The kids run away from one hunting them, trying to catch everyone else running. But what's the name if that game? It's not catch, because you play catch with a ball
          I need help, can anyone tell me? ;-;


@ Shattered_Nightmare  english is also not my first language so i very well understand. More often then not i just forget certain words, especially when i need them. I'm using an translater in those cases, but that only works when u know which word ur searching for. Anyway.... I'm glad i could help u. ^_^


@Eve416 ohhh, that's what that game is, I used to play it as "Free and Dead", the original name sounds a bit better but yahhh #Idkamhelp I've heard that one before, but I just couldn't remember
            Thank you! As I'm not english that was kinda hard to find... Uhhh, yeah. I probably knew that but I'm just stupid sometimes xp
            Anyway, thanks, im gonna look if thats gonna get published somewhen, ig-


@ Shattered_Nightmare  there is also a similiar name called "robber and gendarme" its kind of an combinated version of tag + hide and seek.