Based of a Showtime Series "Following the lives of five gay men in Pittsburgh, 'Queer as Folk' is a riveting Story full of sex, drugs, adventure, friendship and love. Brian Kinney: a veritable sex machine. At 29 years old, he is living life for the now. He is his own man and believes in having sex for the sheer joy of doing it. While he and Justin have an on-and-off-again relationship, Justin is the only one of his sexual encounters that Brian finds himself falling in love with and the only one he continues to have sex with after the first night. He makes his living as an advertising executive for Vangard, His motto when it comes to straight people: "There are two kinds of straight people in the world, those that hate you to your face and those who hate you behind your back. Brian's best friend since adolescence, Michael secretly harbours feelings for him. He enjoys reading comic books, particularly captain-astro adventure's. emmett is the most flamboyant of the group . An accountant with low self-esteem who envies Brian's lavish lifestyle, Ted is constantly rejected by men at gay clubs around Pittsburgh and secretly has feelings for Michael. An active PFLAG member, Debbie is fiercely proud of her son Michael's homosexuality, to the extent of making him embarrassed about it. She treats all the boys as her own family.("Queer as Folk (U.S. TV series)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Mar. 2017. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.) #QueerAsFolk #LGBT