
When a person is writing anything, they have to be open to criticism.  Because I want nothing more than to create stories that people actually want to read, I have no problem accepting feedback.  With that being said, I am going to revise chapter 4.  To my followers, thanks for reading, and I hope that you continue this journey with me.  Hopefully Chapter 4 and 5 will post this week.
          	Special thanks to my street consultant KP.  Good looking out.  


When a person is writing anything, they have to be open to criticism.  Because I want nothing more than to create stories that people actually want to read, I have no problem accepting feedback.  With that being said, I am going to revise chapter 4.  To my followers, thanks for reading, and I hope that you continue this journey with me.  Hopefully Chapter 4 and 5 will post this week.
          Special thanks to my street consultant KP.  Good looking out.  


Hurricane Irma is seriously blocking my creative flow.


@ShawD_Pen  Hi Jade.  Yes everyone is safe.  Was without power for a couple of days, but we're good now.  Thanks for asking.  I actually plan to read c7 of game again, because I kept getting interrupted and I felt like I was missing something important.  This is a very interesting book.  It makes me mad and sad, even though they are not humans.  Gamma though... she's very aggressive when she wants something, which is both good and bad.


How's everything been? Are you safe? Thanks for voting for GAM by the way


this message may be offensive
I have been reading stories on watt pad for a year now, and I'm finally ready to write and finish some of the stories rattling around in my head.
           Please take a look at my book, Live For Me and although in the words of Erykah Badu, " I am sensitive about my shit." I would really appreciate your honest feed back.
            Please and Thank you.


Anyone that knows me knows how much I love to read and write!  I am enjoying my wattpad experience because I am learning a lot and feel extremely encouraged that I will one day be able to transfer the stories from my head onto paper.  I have stumbled across the most amazing authors and have read stories that will more than likely show up on the Bestsellers list.  With that said, I want to Thank my first uncoerced reader @YourDate for reading my work and commenting.  I would also like to thank my first serious critique @a-dora-ble for her honest but very helpful advice. 
           I am unpublishing my book Jealous while I edit the beginning chapters, but I will finish this book and it will be the first of many!  As always- Keep it Real and Do You- Because no one can do it better ;D


@ShawD_Pen You don't need to thank me at all. You're one of the unpolished gems out there and one day, I'm sure that you'll shine. And will be looking forward to edited Jealous.♥
            P.S love the quote!♥


@ShawD_Pen Thank you!  And yes I am so serious about that sequal!  So much was going on and it just stopped!  Im suffering from whip lash!  Lol  Keep it coming  


@ShawD_Pen I'm glad you are enjoying your experience here, and I'm so happy that I could help with that! <3
            If you ever need pointers, you know you can count on me ^-^


Dear followers, friends and family- Thank you for being so supportive and reading my works If you can please try to read past the 3rd chap of Jealous and give honest feedback  It is the only way i am going to grow as a writer  thank you☺