
Hi all, 
          	some news for you.
          	Angel Kiss:
          	I still working hard on Chapter 11 of Angle Kiss.
          	Please vote for Angle Kiss and comment, comment, comment. Would make me happy.
          	Love has to be earned:
          	Still working hard on Chapter 6
          	Additional work:
          	Some ideas have popped up in my brain... there might be coming two book series in the future
          	> Werewolf themed / BDSM Mature Rating in every kinda way. It will be a book series.
          	> BDSM themed stories - The Mansion and Club Avalon
          	> A Vanilla Series from the Wrestling world: There will be a book series with an altered D Generation X .
          	Stay tuned, updates here.


Hi all, 
          some news for you.
          Angel Kiss:
          I still working hard on Chapter 11 of Angle Kiss.
          Please vote for Angle Kiss and comment, comment, comment. Would make me happy.
          Love has to be earned:
          Still working hard on Chapter 6
          Additional work:
          Some ideas have popped up in my brain... there might be coming two book series in the future
          > Werewolf themed / BDSM Mature Rating in every kinda way. It will be a book series.
          > BDSM themed stories - The Mansion and Club Avalon
          > A Vanilla Series from the Wrestling world: There will be a book series with an altered D Generation X .
          Stay tuned, updates here.


Hi all, 
          some news for you.
          Angel Kiss:
          I publish chapter 7 of Angle Kiss already today.
          I'm currently working on Chapter 8 - so please vote for Angle Kiss and comment, comment, comment. Would make me happy.
          Love has to be earned:
          Still working on Chapter 5
          Additional work:
          Some ideas have popped up in my brain... there might two book series in the future
          > Werewolf theme / BDSM Mature Rating in every kinda way. It will be a book series.
          > There will be a book series with an altered D Generation X .
          Stay tuned, updates here.


Ok everybody, good news
          Update in Angels Kiss is out today.
          Have fun reading


Ich weiss das das was gerade läuft nicht fair isDakota hat mehr oder weniger schon eine Idee das problem sie da sie nicht verraten mag ( soll die big surprise nummer werden) kann sie ja schlecht gleich am anfang nachgeben... wäre ja unlogisch.


@ShawnsCharly ich weiß aber ich antworte sie jetzt auf Deutsch weißt du dass ich nur am heulen bin ich lese das und wie laufen die Tränen runter der tut mir so leid war das tut mir so weh der arme Kerl aber shawn aber ist teilweise selber schuld


Hi all, 
          some news for you.
          Angel Kiss:
          Maybe I'm able to publish Chapter 6 Angle Kiss this Sunday.
          I'm currently working on this Chapter - not an easy one though.
          Love has to be earned:
          Still working on the next Chapter 
          Additional work:
          Some ideas have popped up in my brain... there might a book series in the future
          Away from Wrestling:
          There will be wether just a story or I will make it book,
          Werewolf theme / BDSM Mature Rating in every kinda way.


@ShawnsCharly du hast einen kleinen Fehler gemacht in Angel du hast sechs und dann fünf


Yeah, I am thinking about making my D Generation story idea a book series.... but I have to figure out what way it will come along and with whom to start... Shawn in the beginning or as the final book. If he is the final book he will have a long journey to his happy end and that's what I have to figure out first :)


Und wie weit bist du mit deinem letzten Kapitel


@SawerA1970 Ja klar aber der uebergang ist diesmal nicht so einfach... keine sorge ich schreibe die Story fertig aber ich denke das letzte Kapitel dauert ein bisschen.... aber wenn ich drin brin dann schriebt es sich fast von alleine


Machst du denn in einem Kapitel der noch fertig bei der anderen Geschichte