this message may be offensive
Y'all I commented a few times on a naruto fic two fucking years ago and I'm still getting hate for those comments. Like yeah I get it you sakura fans are real protective of your bubblegum bitch, but I swear if I see one more notification from someone calling me the r slur (I'm autistic so it bothers me when people use that word) I might lose it.
Like fucking move on. You're calling me immature and saying I'm stuck on this? I'm the one who's off cosplaying and not even thinking about sakura most days. I only think about her whenever I get some dumbass notification from a 12 year old piece of garbage telling me I'm horrible and immature. Just shut the mother fucking hell up, you teenage equivalent of a Karen. I don't have time for that bullshit. Maybe you should focus on school like I'm doing. Or on real life romance. Or on the fact that your opinion is as irrelevant to me as mine is to you. Do you seriously think saying bullshit about sakura haters is going to do any good? Because it's not. Like damn, YOU get a fucking life, Brenda. Because I have a life. I don't spend my time calling random people dumb on the internet. I spend my time preparing to graduate and kissing my boyfriend (who by the way actually exists and isn't an ugly pink haired anime character) and cosplaying. I make people smile, not wish they had never even come on this godforsaken website. Grow the fuck up Patricia.
Anyway that's all I have to say regarding that issue. Love you unless you're one of the ppl sending me that shit, in which case kindly fuck off.