so after a LONG breather from Wattpad i decided to go back and.....105 notifications....
After catching up on the little that I will comment, congratulations to @FriendlyNeighborhoo2 for the completion of his book, I saw him born and I saw him die and that, speaking in the context of more than 700 chapters, is too much, congratulations man, that is not easy at all and I also have another book to base myself onXD (joke obviously, by the way does anyone use XD today?)
The return of @TheDeltaStories is also remarkable, take a look at his account, he will surely upload something soon, I think (or he already did and my disconnection is serious XD)
Well, I learned my lesson, spend more time here, I have it.
(it should be said that this is probably known by the entire Wattpad community but I have to come and make it obvious, I will never change)