Thanks for all the reads :). Tbh we never expected to get 5 reads. This all started when we were discussing wattpad and how we would do things if we wrote a story. Then Shay started freaking out about how we should write a story and I agreed with her, so I made this account. We came up with characters in a day and the story line in 2. Since we are writing the book together we thought it would be cool to have 2 P.O.V's which you don't find in a lot of books with 2 authors. Honestly we are still making up the story line as we go :)! We are sorry that updates take a few months at a time, but we both have a lot of school work and we only have a few days left of break so we are trying to enjoy it. I promise to try and get both Shay and I on a update schedule. We have gotten a lot of support and we thank you all. If we get 100 followers/ likes/ comments we will update once every 2 weeks or once a week :) thanks for all the support again!
❤️baby J