
@ElisaGrim - Thanks! ^_^ Someone who honestly enjoys my stories and takes the time to let me know deserves at least a follow ;) 


Hey there! I’ve been a fan of yours for some time now (I first read Down Come Seven on Pocket Writers - what a time that was!). I still come back and reread your stories sometimes. On my last reread of Down Come Seven I thought it would make a really great web comic. As an artist myself I wish I could say I’d be able to tackle such a feat of adapting into into one - but I’m not that confident in my abilities.
          Anyway, I can’t wait to see if any of your work gets officially published (if it isn’t already) and would love to see further works related to Down Come Seven in particular! I would definitely watch a show based on it - it’s  much better than most the stuff on Netflix nowadays!


@OrionNova Thank you! ^_^ Its been a literal decade since I wrote Down Come Seven, so I'm completely amazed whenever people say they read it back in the dark ages. Lol, I'd also love to make a webcomic, but I'm pretty it would take me a year to complete one page.
             Don't like my chances of getting anything published tho. I have fallen into the abyss of fanfiction, and I can't get back up T_T 


Is Diary of a Hopeless Immortal being edited? I logged back on wattpad just to read it 


Well I hope to see it on shelves then haha, Good luck! It’s a wonderful piece 


@an-ardent-author- Sorry, At this stage I probably won't be Reposting it on Wattpad. (In general, posting a story online can kinda kill it's chances of being published. So I've tucked DHI away for the foreseeable future.)


Can you add Vains POV?! 


@PolorGirl28 - Sorry ^_^' There is an upcoming chapter written from Vain's POV, but it's a flashback to years ago.  I completed this years ago, so I'm not adding anything new. Just fixing the worst of the grammar, so no one's eyes bleed from all the terrible spelling mistakes I made.


I can't get enough of your works! I'm guilty of reading The Shrink Program about two dozen times, and am currently reading Down Come Seven (I wasn't there for the original). Do you have any plans for maybe making a sequel of Diary Of A Hopeless Immortal?


@prettyveins- Ha ha, Thank you ^_^ Diary of a Hopeless Immortal is intended to be a series, but it'll be a really long time before we see a sequel. (I'll probably be doing revamps for the foreseeable future, trying to get everything up to my current skill level... )