
Hey how are things going. I have been doing good. I don't know if you had a problem with your phone, or you have just been very busy. Me and my friends aced he project that I told you about of you got the messages that I sent. I am happy to see that you are fine and that everything is good with you I was really worried about you since we haven't talked in a while. Hope that school is going great for you. I'm home for the holidays and Christmas break. I hope to be able to talk to you soon if you have time to do so. If not I just want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and my family. Really hoping to talk to you soon. 


Thanks for the follow and reading my story feel free to read more of my stories I recommend until my last breath good it's one of my best stories warning it might have you in tears so feel free to read it


@Poems13 @Sasha1257896 Poems is right Until My Last Breath will bring tears to your eyes, and its one of the best stories out there that has you feeling every emotion all through out the story. So check it out when you can.


I know that we have all heard about what happen with Joe today on twitter, and on all the other wrestling forums. He's human we all make mistakes it proves that he's not invincible, and shows people that sometimes our hero messes up, but I will stand beside him and still be a member of the Roman Empire nothing will change that for me. So to all people who love Joe (Roman) and are his fans please stand beside him in his time of need, and show him that we will always have his back no matter what.


There's this song that I found on YouTube its called Champion by: Chipmunk ft. Chris Brown, I think you should give this a song a listen to either by watching the video, or looking at the lyrics of the video. 
          I feel it describes Joe's reign as champion, and it could also be used as the song for the Championship matches that you are going to write in your book,


So Sasha when will the next update be. Can't wait for it you have written one of the most best Broman Breigns fanfic ever. Mixing real life with fiction is pure genius, and makes the story feel more relatable and great to read and follow.