Happy New Year everybody!
I'm actually quite embarrassed by how long I've disappeared. Long story short, I got into brainstorming with one of my friends that I suddenly reconnected with. And while re-fleshing characters (Including Cam) And other old characters of mine. And because I decided to revisit such an old plot in order for my character Cam to fit into the universe my friend had created. It had thrown me down a rabbit hole; Which included getting into contact with other old friends of mine. It has been a blast.
And I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not abandoning my fanfic. I still love it dearly. And I was just reading an unfinished chapter. And revisiting fanart of other Kaiba Girls and their Ocs. I just want to state that I have not forgotten all you guys that have been so kind, appreciative, and supportive of my writing.
And for that, I am truly blessed. Thank you so! And with that being said, I hoping to find the inspiration to update again!
May 2021 be a good year for everybody!
- Jess xo