Hello lovely Ladies and Gents! Long time no see. Just wanted to give you a quick update as to where I've been. I just had my baby girl (she's 10 weeks) and have been struggling a bit with the whole mom thing this go around. I also have a 10 year old boy who has been AMAZING at helping his momma. Anywho, i just wanted to let yall know that i AM back, and i AM gonna continue writing the Comet, but also starting a new book as well called Tracks. The reason behind the second book is because my Dad wants to read one of my books and as most of you know... the Comet is not appropriate for dear ole Daddy. so, ill be writing 2 at a time. I promise to continue writing them at the best of my ability and not try to rush them. <3 i hope you guys have been good! Tell me what you guys are planning on doing for the holidays?