So I got tagged to do this by @marvel_grl (it's her challenge) and it's just really random, and more focused on funlol. you can read the rules on her post cause I'm lazy...
1. 4 most used apps on your phone?
Spotify,Wattpad,Instagram,and iMovie
2.Favorite thing you own as of now?
My horse lol
3.What is something on your wish list?
Suicide Squad and Civil War on DVD when they come out. (I haven't seen Suicide Squad yet...) oops
4.Most researched movie as a kid??
Brother Bear, I don't even know why, my 6 year old self really liked it. But since I'm still technically a kid, now it Captain America Winter Soldier, I can quote practically every scene.
5. Favorite song right now?
Gangsta by Kehlani
6. Weirdest thing you've done as a kid?
I once tasted scented hand sanitizer because I thought it would taste like the scent. Let's just say it didn't.
7. What time do you usually wake up in the summer?
Since I was riding a lot, I would wake up at around 7:30
8. Can you dance or sing?
I can't dance for my life, but I can sing, because I go to an art school for it.
Okay that's it!
I tag, @pizzatomylarry , @SereneTW , and @marvel_4_life