
New Account: HannaHeroiChristian. Guys, this account will be my main, just because this old one has lost some inspiration. But I will try and update when I can on here. Thank You all for your much-needed support!
          	Can't-Wait For Avengers Eng Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Account: HannaHeroiChristian. Guys, this account will be my main, just because this old one has lost some inspiration. But I will try and update when I can on here. Thank You all for your much-needed support!
          Can't-Wait For Avengers Eng Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello everyone. I know I haven't updated any of my books lately. I'm terribly sorry about that. There's just been a lot going on and I've been trying to find a decent Job and with Church. My updates may be a little delayed. Also!; If anyone has any book ideas, I will be glad to take any suggestions. 
          I've been catching up on some major Marvel Movies lately and I am obsessed with Dr Strange!
          May The Force Be With You All and Have  A Very Blessed Day!


Hey Guys! Sorry for the delay of my new book.. It is harder than I would like to say right now. The progress is doing good. Also a quick reminder; I figured this book would come out during Christmas maybe might take longer. The Last Jedi is kindof in my way XD. I am Fanning it up. Summing it up here.. I won't be on, this December on here. So sorry for the wait guys. Hope you all understand. All books that i was and are working on will be "Paused Editing" for now. Thank you all and have a Merry Christmas!


Hi hi HI Sheena,
          Can I just say how giddy I am about the fact that you have Lee as your Wattpad profile picture.
          Like, oh my gosh, that brings out great memories and heart clenching moments.
          He's among the top ten of my favourite Naruto characters!
          Oh and xD I almost forgot why I texted; thanks a bunch for the follow. I hope you have an awesome day/ night.
          Warm wishes,


Holy crackers. That just did it. <3


@DreamerOrNot    xD I meant every bit of it! You're the best!