
In response to the comments on the first chapter of soulmates, Bill's middle name was going to be revealed in the sequel during the wedding, this is based on my loose memory but Im pretty sure his middle name in this universe is.... Donald. Pffffff yup, no clever puns or special meanings. The guesses in the comments were better than the real thing honestly. No idea why he even needed a middle name, demons don't even really need "legal" names so who knows what I was thinking. But it was meant to be something he was embarrassed about that brought him down to be more of a humanoid than all powerful dream demon. Anyway, mystery solved lol.


Wow, can't believe people are still reading my stuff of here after all this time. Literally wrote soulmates when I was at my worst mentally and it helped me a lot and gave me friends when I needed it the most. I haven't looked at the fic since then, I can only assume the hot garbage that my middle school self wrote, but it's kinda fun to look back at this stuff, nostalgic. I saw some comments on here wondering if I was okay, I'm fine lol just lost the password to the account and moved on while in highschool. I was a little... Busy... to be writing lol. If anyone is wondering, I'm doing well now, in uni with my soon to be husband and I have a cat, enjoying life at the moment lol.


@gaypoeticnonsense were you reading it as the chapters were coming out? So funny our timelines and how we both remember this stuff and come back to it sometimes. Hope things are going well for you too!


@Otheraccountcause i was literally just thinking about the soulmates fanfic and just came to see if you were alive lol I remember reading it back in middle school and being obsessed with it, I still think about it to this day. congrats on your engagement! glad everything is going well for you :)


Hey is anyone slightly concerned that she kinda just disappeared like I’m not even into this ship anymore and I’m kinda outta the fandom but I did really like this book and the author seems really cool I’m just a bit concerned that it’s been over a year since she’s said or posted anything 


@I_am_loosing_my_mind I appreciate the concern honestly thanks, I am in fact alive, lost this account because I lost the password and email it was attached to, and I stopped writing while I was in highschool. So yeah, deleted and forgotten about lol


@I_am_loosing_my_mind I've been wondering the same thing, hopefully she's okay and just deleted wattpad and forgot about everything