
Hi Readers!
          	I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t forgotten about you! I’ve been trying to update, but my Wattpad is acting strange. I’m not able to scroll down on my drafts so I cannot see what the last thing I wrote was. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, DM me please! I hope to be back up and running soon!


Hi Readers!
          I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t forgotten about you! I’ve been trying to update, but my Wattpad is acting strange. I’m not able to scroll down on my drafts so I cannot see what the last thing I wrote was. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, DM me please! I hope to be back up and running soon!


Hello readers! I just want to apologize to my CriMi followers! I know I was supposed to update ‘A Delicate Light’ yesterday and I promised to do a double update for ‘The Love of a Lifetime’ today…I unfortunately had some personal events take place that prohibited me from updating yesterday and today; however, I plan on doing a double update of ‘A Delicate Light’ and a double update of ‘The Love of a Lifetime’ on Tuesday and Wednesday, so stay tuned! My apologies again!


Hola me encanta tu escritura desde q comen a leer t lo he dicho quisiera saber cuando volveras actualizar una delicada luz


Ok estaré muy atenta gracias


Hello! I will be updating “A Delicate Light” tomorrow  stay tuned!


Dear Readers (especially of the CriMi Fandom),
          I’m so sorry for not updating “The Love of a Lifetime” yesterday! I had a migraine all day and couldn’t focus, but I promise to do a double update of that story on Sunday, so look out for not one, but two new chapters of “The Love of a Lifetime” on Sunday 07/07!