
Hi Sheila, nice to see you here.


Hi Jacoba, thanks for the welcome! I got here purely by chance as I was trying to read your chapters. I didn't think I'd succeeded, and I don't think you could have received my comment about how much I enjoyed your new romance story. Obviously something you will be very good at. Lovely style. I actually started off writing "romance" but found that I wanted to stretch my wings, but always manage to get a bit of a love story into my novels. My new one coming up is Golden Sapphire, and it has oodles of romance in it ... 
            Talk soon xx


Hello, Sheila...Welcome to my little hide-away...I'm sure you will be very welcome here...Rags.


Hello Rags, I got here purely by chance, never heard of it before today. Don't know if I'll have much time to do much on the site, but it looks really good, and in a couple of days I'll post a few chapters of my new novel - Golden Sapphire - that I'm desperately trying to find time to finish ... Talk soon x