A few quotes that I once read helped my best friend through a stage your going through.
"If you give up now, what will you have to look forward to?"
"your life is always going to be filled with sadness and grief, but each person gets an equal amount spread the ought their lives. More fortunate ones get it a bit ever
so often, but it continues throughout their lives. Others get all of it at once in the early stages of life. Those people are the strongest and luckiest of them all. Once you use up all the bad that you are given, your life will be perfect and full of happiness from then on out."
"In story books, there is always a 'once upon a time' and 'the end'. Think of your life as one. You may have no control over the beginning, but its your choice what to make of the story. Should it be a shirt children's book that you choose to end when there could be more to the plot, or will it be an epic novel, maybe even a series, full of what a real life is like. Your the author, and its all up to you"
"Don't look at the dreary grey clouds when it rains, look through them and let the sun light up your life"
That's just a few of them. If you need any more I'm glad to help you.