Hello, everyone. I'd like to say one thing and one thing only about my inactivity.
I'm taking a break from most of my Chatzy sites, and I'm taking a break from so much time on my phone.
It's now that I realize I have to update my stories, and I have friends to care for, but I never realized that I haven't been on that much and I shall update now. I am making another story, it being a draft at the moment and not out just yet, but once I'm done with the first chapter it will be.
I'm focusing on a...Another..disorder I'm obtaining:
Short for: Impulsive Obsessive Disorder.
I'd rather tell you this now, that I have many problems, mentally and physically and it's scary, honestly, but most....Most of them aren't that bad. I haven't told about my disorders, but I'm only a kid and would rather keep them to myself. Anyway..
..Just an update..Love you guys.