
Hi, I'm Alive!!! 
          	Shocking I know. Freshman year in college has been really tough but I'm getting through. I have finally found the motivation to write to lets freaking go!
          	Reply if your excited


A new chapter is up! Here is a sneak peek: 
          “It shouldn't be like this.” He growled.
          “What shouldn’t be like this?” I said, a little scared.
          “US! We’re mates! We are the other half of each other's souls! The history books said it was supposed to feel like your life was complete when you met your mate so why does everything tonight seem so, forced! We are nothing better than total strangers!”


I will be posting Chapter 9 of Pull of the Moon soon! Sorry for the wait! Here is a teaser to keep you occupied: 
          “Wake up honey”
          Definitely a male voice. Not Ash. I would know if it was Ash.
          “Araella Solstice Knight! Can you hear me?”
          Only two people in the whole world know my whole name...