Alright everybody!
I know it's been a long while since I've given updates and I just published a small romance addition in The War Upon the Apocalypse: A Home Worth Fighting For. In case you're wondering, I do plan to have little bits and pieces of romance in the story because of a special reason, and it's not just because I want to have this story appeal to the girls in my audience of readers.
My reasoning is that even in the worst of times, each one of us has a part of us that's still human and wants to find a match or some way to still have feelings and emotion. It's a very human thing to want to find our match especially during rough times cause we feel they'd make us feel happier in that situation which sometimes doesn't always work depending on who you would be with, but you get the basic point.
Also, big news for all of you. For those of you who don't know me as well as others, I've been in and school and will still be in school so don't expect a lot of updates that are spaced out. More likely than not, I'll have a few updates for my story/stories in a group or so. It's just convenient for me to do a bunch of updates at once. I pay attention to all of my stories, but once I have an idea for one or two, I always type that one up right then unless my phone is dead or I'm not near my laptop. This happened when I was updating The Sirens At Night, Casters, and Southside Story: A Fiction of the Civil War and I wasn't updating my more popular story, The War Upon the Apocalypse: A Home Worth Fighting For.
Lastly for this giant message, I will slowly start to work on a Spiritual book (because I'm a Christian, don't judge) about a story I hope will someday be turned into a movie. I already started the script, but it's hard to base the actors and actresses characters off of nothing like an actual story. I'll try and post that soon enough my friends, then you can read the huge Author's Note explaining why I wrote it. Share, vote, comment, and follow.
Yours truly,