
Chapters 5-8 are FINALLY done! However, I have changed the characters in this novel, so I have re-released Chapters 1-3 and currently am working on updating chapter 4. Once it is updated, I will have the other chapters updated as well. I really wanted to have a POC as a main character for more representation for them. However I am white and doing my best to describe an African American in non offensive terms. PLEASE GIVE ME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM TO MAKE IT BETTER!


Thanks so much for following me!
          I would really appreciate it if you check out my story, and I would love to check out anything you’d like me too in return!
          Thank you again!x


Of course!! Happy to help a fellow writer!! I will definitely give it a read, if you’d like to flip through mine, although I’ll be changing it up a bit


Chapters 5-8 are FINALLY done! However, I have changed the characters in this novel, so I have re-released Chapters 1-3 and currently am working on updating chapter 4. Once it is updated, I will have the other chapters updated as well. I really wanted to have a POC as a main character for more representation for them. However I am white and doing my best to describe an African American in non offensive terms. PLEASE GIVE ME CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM TO MAKE IT BETTER!


Updated my prologue!
          I am in the middle of writing chapters 5 and 6 but have hit a bit of a wall, so I am currently going back over what I have already written and updating it a little more and adding detail. I have ADHD which tends to make me impatient and skip details so I am really trying to hone in on the small things and make sure it all makes sense and every avenue is explored. Thanks for your patience, and watch for new, updated versions of the chapters as well as new chapters coming soon!