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One day when all the flowers fall and there is nothing will you still love me like you used to or will you leave me like they all did ?
@Illegal_dimple2 even if the flower fall to nothing, you'll still be my last and the most pretty flower I could have in my entire life ❤️ Is it good:)?
Hello little_dimple2!!I rlly love your book! And I hope you're doing very good today! Can we talk anytime now?
One day when all the flowers fall and there is nothing will you still love me like you used to or will you leave me like they all did ?
@Illegal_dimple2 even if the flower fall to nothing, you'll still be my last and the most pretty flower I could have in my entire life ❤️ Is it good:)?
Try to hurt her i'll hurt you worst <3 igaf what personal issues ANYONE who is mean to her has. Watch your mouth when around my baby tyvm :)
Cat got your tongue
@crystalluna234 You are the most disgusting person I ever met in Wattpad and my life.Idfc you are a taekookers or something.But the audacity to check ppl's acc and talking shit about them disgust me and show the true image of what human you trully are Little_Dimple2 is also a human.And harrasing ppl you don't know without knowing what they've gone through is pathetic like yourself.
Listen here first of all stop acting like a kid it annoys me. Yes am the girl you were talking to you are nothing but an attention seeker i think you should get lost .No one likes you okay and oh my God do not get me started with your panic attacks they seriously annoy me. You are nothing but a burden a stupid bitch is what you are you should have just killed yourself in the first place. You are just everyone's toy you mean nothing to any of us you hear me stupid Elle you are just a B.I.T.C.H go rot in hell idiot
@crystalluna234 I can't rlly make you understand but the thing is..Why don't you just kill yourself first.Even if you're parents know what you have done in the internet they'll regret creating you and wish you gone.You are a psycho and a bitch that thought you own this Wattpad to talk all shit you want.Your'e not outsmarting anyone other than yourself.
@crystalluna234 Excuse me who tf are you to say that to her? Bruh mind your fucking language its annoying! You have no fucking right to say someone "they should have killed themselves" LIKE BRUH WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING IMPORTANT IS A SINGLE LIFE? YOU CAN BE IN A BIG PROBLEM IN THE CHARGE OF ASKING SOMEONE TO DIE PLUS YOU ARE NO ONE TO JUDGE HER!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE HER THEN GET TF OUT OF HERE! YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOW YOUR HATRED HERE
@crystalluna234 and about defending you brought this topic In public so handle
You are indeed cutest I am telling you♡
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