
"The Sea" Chapter 18
          Dear readers,
          Happy Valentine's everyone! I hope that all of you are feeling extra loved today. The book "The Sea" is sadly nearing it's end. A couple more weeks and I will be back to no more updates, well, at least for a while. School is my top most priority as per usual, though I will not halt any type of new writing that I have been working on. However, I will not disclose any news on that since things may change. I may scrap the work or alter the contents. Note that I do not publish books that are incomplete. I like to have works that are already completed drafts so that when I do publish them, it's not much of a hassle when editing before updating.
          Anyways, have a great day/evening, whatever time it may be to you. Lovelots ❣️


"The Sea" Chapter 17
          Dear readers,
          I'm sorry, yesterday's update was delayed to today. It's our exam week again and time is kind of cramped at the moment. There are a lot of things going on at school but I assure that the next update will stick to schedule. I'm sorry again.
          Stay safe everyone, good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! Lovelots!❤️


Dear readers,
          Kind of last minute but I will not be posting for a while. Next update of "The Sea" will be next Monday for we have exams this whole week. Due to this and also because of the projects that I still need to finish and focus on, update of Chapter 9 will be postponed temporarily.
          Thank you very much dearest readers.❤️
          Stay home, stay safe, Covid-free and God bless us all.