UPDATE on Book 4 of the Phoenix Warrior Series
So I currently have 6 chapters written for this story. The reasons I haven’t published it is mostly because I’m waiting for my editor’s opinions on it AND I’ve hit a major writer’s block. So as of now,
1) I still need to go back and edit it, make sure everything flows smoothly (kind of waiting on my editor for this).
2) I have to figure out the correct order of the chapters (one chapter can happen earlier or later in the story without effecting the plot). Again, need my editor’s opinion on this.
3) Then I need to figure out exactly where I want the story to go. I love the first 5 chapters no problem. But Chapter 6 is kind of taking the story in a different direction than I planned. I don’t want to post anything until I know where the story is going. This will hopefully prevent my readers from having to wait a LONG time between updates. Which means I may have to rewrite this chapter altogether.
So, I really want advice from my Caspana fans. What do you want to see happen? Do you want just a happy little (probably short) story of their relationship (courtship, marriage, kids, etc)? Or do you want something with a little more plot, where they have to deal with their feelings for each other while balancing their duties to Narnia? Feel free to leave suggestions for what you want to see or what you would like to happen. You can drop them in the replies, or I have other sites you can contact me on if you want to speak to me directly.