
Just wondering do have you guys read my latest book, it's a fan fiction for final fantasy. I hope you guys like it lol


Ok... hay guys I am back... sorry its been forever. 
          I Really want to finish up my fan fics of KHR,  especially so we finally meet. But I kind of forgot more of the minor characters characteristics so, if anyone could help me out in like a refresher that would be awesome


Thanks for the follow and Gintama is a hilariously awesome anime


@WindbladeScar Hmm that's true but everyone who I talked to who says they hate live actions said that these trailers looked and seemed better
            (to be honest I don't like live actions too much either I never really could see one. Tried to but was bad :X)


@WindbladeScar what! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Live action ruins everything


@WindbladeScar yes it is and so ready for the live action lol


I'm so sorry for the lack of new chapters for my fan fictions it just been really hectic for me last week and probably this week too.
          .-. Sorry .-. 
          When it gets less hectic I'll try to write a new chapter for both of the fan fics.
          .__. :p