
Hey again! I’m still alive which is good considering everything that is going on. I hope that everyone else is doing alright during all of this.
          	Every now and then I like to do a post to announce what I’m thinking of doing and then not do it. Well this is one of those posts. My current idea is to redraft ‘Royal Blood’ (go read and vote if you haven’t already hehe). 
          	I wrote this book back in 2016/17 and feel like now is the time to go back again. With everything that is going on at the moment, I can add elements of that into the back story. I don’t want to say much more in case if spillers. 
          	I thought I would let you know in case you have read it before or are currently reading so you can keep an eye out for some changes. Also if you have read it before then please let me know what can be done better or what you would like to see! 
          	Thanks for reading and again I hope everyone stays safe! 


Hey again! I’m still alive which is good considering everything that is going on. I hope that everyone else is doing alright during all of this.
          Every now and then I like to do a post to announce what I’m thinking of doing and then not do it. Well this is one of those posts. My current idea is to redraft ‘Royal Blood’ (go read and vote if you haven’t already hehe). 
          I wrote this book back in 2016/17 and feel like now is the time to go back again. With everything that is going on at the moment, I can add elements of that into the back story. I don’t want to say much more in case if spillers. 
          I thought I would let you know in case you have read it before or are currently reading so you can keep an eye out for some changes. Also if you have read it before then please let me know what can be done better or what you would like to see! 
          Thanks for reading and again I hope everyone stays safe! 


Currently in the middle of writing a Christmas short story about the characters from Fingerprints. I might try and post a chapter a day for the next couple of days. I don't have an outlined plan so it will be interesting to see where this goes.


Hey how is everyone? I thought I would let you know that I am currently well into the new story I am writing. Already I am over 30k words. 
          So here is the thing. I have enjoyed writing for myself without the pressure of deadlines and thinking about other people. However, I also want this story to be read. If I were to post it who would be interested in reading? 
          The story is more mature than my previous ones. The characters are in their 30s and is set in a small Yorkshire town in England. The main character owns a cafe and basically a lot happens! 
          I know that isn’t the best description but I hate doing summaries. Anyway if you are interested then please let me know! 
          Thank you,


@ShhBethsReading i love reading anything! & this sounds super unique (:


Hi guys, 
          I know that it has been while since I posted and I know that no one probably cares. However, I thought I would give you a brief update on my life. 
          I have recently just finished my third year at university which is mental and also means I graduate this summer. I think Uni has been a big reason as to why I haven't been writing or posting. Although I don't know why I never posted the last chapter to #Handprints or #Delicate because I had both final chapters ready to go.
          I am in the middle of writing a new story but I am unsure if I am going to post it on here. A part of the enjoyment of the writing is writing for myself this time and not having to meet any self made deadlines. However, I am hoping to write the third (and final) #Fingerprints story when this one is completed. 
          I think at the moment that is all I have to say. 
          Thank you, 


Aww thank you. That means a lot to hear. It feels so good to be falling back in love with writing and doing it when I want to. But I do plan on coming back at some point! And thank you, I’m looking forward to buying a nice new dress for graduation haha!


Hey girl! Congrats on finishing your third year at university! I know it must have been a stressful time and writing must have been the last thing on your mind. Write whenever you want, it’s mostly about what you want to write and put out there. Hopefully it’ll all work out in the end. I look forward to reading your future works! :D Enjoy graduation day in the summer! XD - Halz 


          I AM BACK I AM BACK!! I missed you and kristen so much!! It’s so great to be here again! 
          Also, i see you’ve been working on a new story—one that’s based on my favourite song! How exciting! Honestly, I can’t wait to dive in. 
          Hope all’s been well! 


Well I’ve re-uploaded it for now so we’ll see how it goes!


@ShhBethsReading aww, well that’s ok. Personally, i thought you were doing pretty great, but I guess you should give it more time if you aren’t satisfied. I’d love to see an improved version! 


AHHHHHHH YEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEYEY IVE MISSED YOU!!!!!!! I like you even more for saying Getaway Car is one of your favourite songs haha!! 
            As for Handprints I took it down because I wasn’t that happy with it :/ 


hey, thanks for following me! the book i’m currently working on is “my last seven days” it would mean the world to me if you’d check it out :) if you’re not interested, thank u anyways and have a good rest of your day! :)