
          	Wow it has been a while since I've wrote officially in a book.
          	I just wanted to let every one know that My entire account is going to go through a massive re-edit/redo, reason being is just that I've not been happy with my past work. Most of my books look really forced. So I'm going to start from fresh again with most of my books. I am taking up offers for anyone who wants to take a storyline and make it their own. If you are reading this, that means that this book will be up for grabs.  Meanwhile other books will be going through an edit period. But once that Storyline is taken by someone, it will no longer be up for anyone to grab. This is just to avoid anyone saying,
          	"You copied this from ________!"
          	"I read a similar book from _______. The other one is much better."
          	I've seen some comments like that, and I know that it doesnt feel great. So once a book is taken, its gone until that person who now owns that storyline puts it up for someone else to take it over. 
          	But again, 
          	If you are reading this, that means that this Book will be up for anyone to takeover. I'm offering this one up because I personally dont have the time to updates all of my books. Some of my books I'm either, not proud of (looks a little forced.) or, I just lost interest and motivation to keep it going. I will be putting this note on every book that is up for grabs, along with a list that will be on my conversation wall. So yeah, if you want to take over this storyline or any, DM me on wattpad or insta, either works. 
          	Much Love, 


          Wow it has been a while since I've wrote officially in a book.
          I just wanted to let every one know that My entire account is going to go through a massive re-edit/redo, reason being is just that I've not been happy with my past work. Most of my books look really forced. So I'm going to start from fresh again with most of my books. I am taking up offers for anyone who wants to take a storyline and make it their own. If you are reading this, that means that this book will be up for grabs.  Meanwhile other books will be going through an edit period. But once that Storyline is taken by someone, it will no longer be up for anyone to grab. This is just to avoid anyone saying,
          "You copied this from ________!"
          "I read a similar book from _______. The other one is much better."
          I've seen some comments like that, and I know that it doesnt feel great. So once a book is taken, its gone until that person who now owns that storyline puts it up for someone else to take it over. 
          But again, 
          If you are reading this, that means that this Book will be up for anyone to takeover. I'm offering this one up because I personally dont have the time to updates all of my books. Some of my books I'm either, not proud of (looks a little forced.) or, I just lost interest and motivation to keep it going. I will be putting this note on every book that is up for grabs, along with a list that will be on my conversation wall. So yeah, if you want to take over this storyline or any, DM me on wattpad or insta, either works. 
          Much Love, 


          Wow it has been a while since I've wrote officially in a book. 
          I just wanted to let every one know that My entire account is going to go through a massive re-edit/redo, reason being is just that I've not been happy with my past work. Most of my books look really forced. So I'm going to start from fresh again with most of my books. If you are reading this, that means that this book will be going through a re-edit. I'm also taking up offers for anyone who wants take a book that is not being redone and create another book from that similar storyline. Any book that is not being re-edited is up for grabs. Just DM me either on wattpad or insta, doesnt matter. But once that book is taken by someone, it will no longer be up for anyone to grab. This is just to avoid anyone saying, 
          "You copied this from ________!" 
          "I read a similar book from _______. The other one is much better." 
          I've seen some comments like that, and I know that it doesnt feel great. So once a book is taken, its gone until that person who now owns that storyline puts it up for someone else to take it over. 
          But again, 
          If you are reading this, that means this book is going to go through an edit period. This book is not up for grabs. I will be making a separate note for books that are up for grabs. I'll post both notes to my conversation wall too, if nobody wants to go through books to see what is available and whats not. 
          Much love, 


LAWWWDDDD I haven’t been on here in a while…. Gosh I need to rewrite almost all of my stories. And I have so many new ideas. I graduated now. And now I’m taking a leap year so I got actual time to do this and not lie about it. So hopefully in the next couple of months I’ll have new things out or have rewritten a couple of things. Also I recently watched eternals, what did you guys think about it? I personally loved Kingo and Phastos. Although ikaris was cute, he still made me mad (though I do understand where he’s coming from. Doesn’t excuse murder tho….) Makari and Druig were really cute too. Sersi was good as always but I think she’s the “captain America” of the new marvel saga. 


Thinking of writing again. I have the time to do so....If you get this message, lmk whether I should start  writing again. And what books I should update. I'm sorry this took me so long to get to. Highschool and life in general has gotten a bit hectic especially as of recently. So yeah lmk what book to update. I have plans for newer books so definitely keep a eye out for those. There mainly going to be based on, Kpop (As always), Fantasy, Mythical, and many more. One of them is actually going to be based purely off of my imagination, so completely original. 
          -Mei-Rose, Kym, Ember, Melissa,(All of my other OC's.....oops)


Hey guys, 
          So I know I’ve been on a hiatus for a while but now I’m back and I have time to actually update my books. Some of my books that I have completed I will unpublish them and put them through heavy editing. As for my newer books I will continue and add more things. I will be coming out with 2 new books. 1 with wrestling specifically more to WWE and another book more to newer kpop groups. So just give some time to finalize a few things and I’ll give you guys what you guys deserve after having me gone for a while. One more thing I will be adding SATM (song at the moment). I will be adding that to my chapters to give you guys more music. 
          SATM: Best of Both Worlds (Tyrone Briggs, Nancy Rowland, WWE)